Saturday, November 26, 2005

Late night frenzy

Okay, so it's officially after midnight from November 25, so I must truthfully count the writing I just did for Saturday's count. That would be 1,670 words and two supernatural deaths later. Whew--what a night.

Layne still has four demons to destroy, and we must reunite her with Jesse before time runs out. And the clock keeps on ticking...

Words to date: 44,686
Words to go: 5,314
Days left: 4

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't take it anymore! So, is Jesse an angel or a demon? In the first chapter was Layne suppose to kill a demon? *waits with held breath*

7:48 PM  
Blogger MangyCat said...

Ah, ah! Can't tell... ;o)

9:14 PM  

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